

AI Content Trends That Will Dominate 2024

December 1, 2023

Technologies add value to different industries at different points of their maturity. Generative artificial intelligence (AI) was first used by software developers in 2021, before the launch of ChatGPT in November 2022, brought it to the mainstream user base. 2023 saw tech giants such as Google, Apple, Meta, and Microsoft invest in generative AI, either in creating the model or providing the infrastructure that powers them. In 2024, the biggest benefactors of AI will likely be the companies outside of the tech industry, using AI to increase productivity, changing how content is created, and implementing personalization on a macro scale. Generative AI is poised to revolutionize the world of content creation, but what does this mean for the future of human creators and how we consume information?

The Updated Potential of AI

Text-based content generation was just the beginning. AI can now produce richer media formats like images, video, and audio, powered by tools like Synthesia and HeyGen. This can include the creation of scripts, music compositions, and video editing, all completed faster than a human ever will be able to. But although AI brings the speed element to creation, it is yet to be able to bring the human touch. The storytelling, emotional depth, and unique perspective are skills of human creators that at this time remain irreplaceable.

AI-generated content can often be formulaic, repetitive, and lacking originality, relying on existing data to mimic existing styles. There are also concerns about plagiarism, misinformation, and the potential for AI-generated content to be manipulative or deceptive. Whilst these are valid concerns, it does not mean that AI can not add value to content creation. Due diligence, fact-checking and still involving human creators in the process brings the best of both worlds.

The New Influencers

The potential of AI creation has expanded past the content pieces themselves as far as AI-generated influencers. Different from the original virtual influencers that were programmed by human creators, these new influencers are exclusively powered by generative AI, meaning humans don’t tell them how to behave, converse, or create. While the world of AI influencers is still young, several online personalities are already paving the way such as K-pop band Eternity, Aitana López, and Miquela.

Whilst these AI influencers have obvious pros, 24/7 engagement, no arguments or scandals, just perpetual content creation and audience interaction there are also cons that cast a shadow of doubt over the rise of these influencers. A lack of transparency, emotional disconnect, and algorithm biases that potentially promote misinformation or harmful stereotypes. Just like the concerns of AI-created content, there are methods to reduce the negative aspects of AI influencers. The future will be shaped by our choices and actions. Addressing the challenges through transparent practices, responsible AI development and ethical considerations is crucial. For end users there is also a level of responsibility, being aware of content that feels too polished or staged, looking for disclaimers or explicit labels indicating AI use, being critical of any overly promotional content or messages that seem emotionally manipulative, and skeptical of claims that seem outlandish or lack supporting evidence.

The days of AI as a factor of online content being a shiny, futuristic promise are long gone. It's no longer a "what if," but a resounding "what now." Its arrival in content creation and influencer marketing offers both endless possibilities and valid reservations. AI can democratize creation, personalize experiences, and push creative boundaries, but concerns around transparency, authenticity, and potential bias need to be addressed. To navigate this landscape, we need clear labeling, ethical development practices, and robust safeguards against misinformation. Ultimately, the future of content creation lies in collaboration between human ingenuity and AI's computational power that will build a future where AI enriches, not supplants, the stories we tell and the connections we forge.
